Monday, August 31, 2009

Karl, I Challenge You.

One of the blogosphere's most prolific commentators on financial matters, Karl Denninger, has time and again put forward the mantra "stop the looting and start prosecuting" at the end of his numerous posts detailing financial malfeasance and criminality. There must be very few folks about the land who have spilled as much "ink" in vain as Mr. Denninger, because, to date, there have been no prosecutions of any institutions or individuals of significance. There has likewise been little or no reform of the financial system. It truly is business as usual out there with almost the entire mise en scene intact. Karl Denninger's plea, "stop the looting and start prosecuting" has, for all intents and purposes, been ignored.

I would like to issue the following challenge to Mr. Denninger and the rest of the financial "forensics" community. If the latest obvious expose of criminality is not prosecuted-I have in mind Hank Paulson's perjury before Congress concerning the use of TARP funds- will you admit that the United State's Federal Government must now be overturned by any means necessary? Will you admit that "We The People" have been given no choice but to take extraordinary, perhaps even extralegal measures, to right the wrongs that The United State's Government has, at best, assiduously avoided righting?


DED said...

will you admit that the United State's Federal Government must now be overturned by any means necessary?

That's a step people really don't want to take, or admit. It's one thing for people to shout it in the dark corners of the blogosphere. It's another thing entirely to say when you're out in public. One pushes the First Amendment to its limits and then one gets locked up for treason and everyone else scatters back into the shadows; still defiant but cowed into submission.

Traitor or Revolutionary Hero? The victors write the history books.

Edwardo said...

You are right, Ded. People don't want to take that step, and until they do, they should expect that they are going to have to keep "taking it."