Friday, September 4, 2009

The Ugly American

Dennis Kneale of CNBC has to be one of the silliest characters I've ever witnessed on contemporary television, and that is saying something when the MSM sports such wantonly grotesque imbeciles as Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. A recent rant by Mr. Kneale-a rant of epic, moronic jingoism I might add- aimed at bloggers who've dared to suggest that the U.S. markets and economy are far from well, included the following question posed to us viewers.

"Do I Believe I live in the greatest nation on earth?"

There are so many responses to this (patriotic litmus test in the guise of a question) that I'm not sure where to begin, so let me plunge in by saying the question itself evidences such an embarrassingly narcissistic provincialism that it makes me cringe. As a singular thought, and putting aide the irrelevance of the U.S's putative greatest nation status, the question, posed as it was in a hectoring, if not bullying fashion, may be the best example of why the U.S. seems to have such difficulty existing peacefully and harmoniously amongst its fellow nations. But for the sake of discussion, I will, for the moment, humor this ridiculous question, though not without first hearing an essential qualification to it.

So, without further ado, define for us, Dennis, what "greatest" means in the context of the term, greatest nation.

You also ask, Dennis, if "I" believe that the U.S. has the most innovative and hard working people on the planet. Putting aside the question of what "belief" has to do with this, and also putting aside the crucial issue that such questions demand some serious refinement, my answer to you is a resounding HELL NO!

I am quite sure, for example, that the people of Nepal, or Tibet, or possibly Mozambique and Paraguay work far harder than the average denizen of the U.S. Think about what real work really is, Dennis. REAL WORK doesn't involve sitting for long periods of time in a comfortable, ergonomically constructed, reclining chair, inside a climate controlled building that has a water cooler, coffee maker, and microwave just down the hall from one's work space. REAL WORK doesn't generally take place in close proximity to eateries that provide abundant and cheap meals that one can have during one's long breaks. REAL WORK doesn't involve labor that confers any sort of status, or that is, at least by our standards, remunerative. In short, you and I, Dennis, HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT REAL WORK IS! But, for my own part, at least I know that, save for a job one summer washing dishes in a local restaurant, I don't really know what REAL WORK is.

As for us U.S. residents being the most innovative, well, how does one measure such a thing? What are the criteria for "most innovative?" Does my innovation need to be of a commercial nature, or can it be for my own personal use in the service of such unglamorous but essential areas like, oh, say, animal husbandry or horticulture? I have a feeling, Dennis, that your view of innovation is very much like your conception of work, just a tad narrow, a bit Amero-centric, shall we say, and more than likely, self serving. But please, by all means, disabuse me of that notion. After all, as a citizen of THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH, (according to you) that ought to pose no difficulty.

1 comment:

DED said...

I've seen that guy (Kneale) a couple of times while channel surfing. Needless to say, I didn't hang around for long. Yeah, he's an asshole.