Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bye Bayh

Forgive me for crowing, but I say it here, and, eventually, it comes out there. Pay particular attention to Senator Bayh's comments about the role of campaigning in government "dysfunction." In general, the term dysfunction is one I don't care for as it tends to (as it has done here) obfuscate matters. Everything functions. It's just a question of how. In the case of government, it functions, as we have discussed here time and time again, as the principal enabler and ombudsman for the proprietors of what is left of the U.S. FIRE economy, and for the Rasputin like military industrial complex of Eisenhower's, by now, hoary and famous adumbration.

In the days and weeks to come, (more like hours and days to come) it will be alternately amusing and sickening to see and hear politicians from both sides of the aisle fall all over themselves applauding, when they are not parroting, Senator Bayh's comments. But the counterfeit posturing will almost certainly be the beginning and end of the legislature's response to Senator Bayh's irrefutable observations on the state of The House and The Senate. Here's hoping "We The People" do exactly as the outgoing Senator suggests, and vote out all incumbents, only supporting those who are behind most, if not all, of the following nostrums.


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