Friday, January 4, 2008

So Much To Hate and So Little Time...

to sufficiently rant and rave about it. I seem to be on something of a tear of late with this blog, but that's the way it goes. I write when the spirit moves me, and lately I'm rather moved. I'm pretty sure it's the result of watching the economy go down the toilet, too much weather of the sort which keeps one indoors, and the political silly season, where one has to listen to so much drivel from so many fatuous twits it almost defies belief.

Today, I had the misfortune of hearing a former Senator from Oklahoma, David Boren, tell me what the American people are tired of. Personally I have no idea what they are (sick and) tired of, though I could hazard an educated guess or two. In any case, I doubt Boren knows anymore than I do about the pet peeves of the average voting citizen. Where Boren went off track by my lights was when he asserted that the citizenry are tired of the two parties spending all their time blocking each other's legislative initiatives. We Americans want Congress to work together to solve all our pressing problems or so Boren would have it. I fairly gagged when the shibboleth of bi-partisanship was hauled out. If Boren is correct and Americans operate on the premise that the problem with government is one of non co-operation, then I am afraid a reality adjustment is in serious order.

The very idea that Congress is full of obstructionists on both sides of the aisle is, not to put too fine a point on it, rubbish, and provably so. Democrat Boren should know better than to suggest that both parties have been equally obstructive if not destructive to legislating. Please know that I say that as someone who feels that the average Democratic denizen of Congress isn't worth a bucket of warm spit. But facts are facts, as The Gipper liked to point out, and the facts are that the Republicans have had, until very recently, control of the Executive and The Legislative branches of government for many years and have managed to make an absolute hash out of virtually everything they have touched. The Republicans more so than the Democrats, who certainly deserve a a strong measure of opprobrium for being feckless chumps, have had their way with government, and if Americans are fed up, the lion's share of their discontent ought to begin and end with Republican legislative malfeasance.

This is why the Democrats in the form of Barack Obama-who I now sense is going to beat Hillary like a red headed step child- will wipe the floor with whoever the Republicans put up, whether it's the slick Reagan lover Romney, or folksy Jesus freak, Mike Huckabee.


DED said...

the Republicans have had, until very recently, control of the Executive and The Legislative branches of government for many years and have managed to make an absolute hash out of virtually everything they have touched.

True. And the Dems didn't have the numbers to be obstructionists. So, they rolled over and played dead.

if Americans are fed up, the lion's share of their discontent ought to begin and end with Republican legislative malfeasance.

Right. Since the last election, the Republicans in Congress have been obstructionists as the Democrat majority is slim. It would be nice though if the Reid actually called out the Republicans on their filibuster bluffs. Let's see 'em get off their fat asses and actually read from the phone book all night. :)

And even if something does make it past the stalwarts, W vetoes it (since he know he can't be overridden) and complains that Congress isn't doing anything.

Edwardo said...

Nice to see you back, Ded. Good point about the Presidential vetoes.

DED said...
