That, in itself, doesn't surprise me. I would be far more surprised, shocked, really, were the Legislative and Executive branches of government seen to be swinging into action on all fronts, enacting a full court press to thoroughly and judiciously deal with this epic sized sordid affair. But how could they? They are in so deep with all the financial system's perfidy it would be like turning evidence against themselves, which is why I assert that the U.S. Federal government, well, at least two of the three branches, but, probably, “upon review” the judiciary as well, deserves to be impeached, and some substantial portion of its number, a group that includes many high ranking officials, subsequently ought to be vigorously prosecuted for criminal misconduct.
If anyone can tell me by what contortions the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal government-branches peopled by officials who, in the main, systematically subvert, deny, and/or obstruct justice- possess any legitimacy, please drop me a line.
I guess no one has an answer to that question.
I sure don't.
Yet even those who can't answer it if directly asked in that way usually think and act "as if" the legitimacy were there.
That's the brainwashing and the general inertia.
From your blogroll:
I guess since John Robb too can't find a link to the Bruce Sterling "Connectivity is Poverty" lecture other than the same NYT magazine piece I read, that link must not exist. (I couldn't find one the several times I looked for it.)
That's not off-topic; turning "connectivity" into true community, as opposed to the elites using it as a social domination mechanism, is one of the core battlegrounds.
Obviously, by my runes, it's not answerable with a yes, but, until the citizenry decide to act in a way that demonstrates their rejection of illegitimacy, illegitimacy will reign. In the meantime, "We the people", aren't looking too good what with our inertia and general unconsciousness.
As for the missing link, so to speak, I hope you can find the article. I'd certainly like to read it.
We'll see how far the mortgage scandal goes toward waking people up. I gather from what I read that the number of people facing foreclosure who are demanding to see the note is snowballing. That's a good start.
The next logical step would be for prospective buyers to demand to see all the documentation, and refuse to buy if all they get is the equivalent of a "lost note affidavit".
But for it to really work, every housedebtor needs to fundamentally wonder if he's really just a squatter, an adverse possessor, who ought to just stop paying the bank but stay in the house.
The NYT piece (linked at the Robb post) gives the gist of Sterling's basic idea. I bookmarked the Robb post but didn't follow his other link yet.
The gist of it all seems to be: The elites have conscripted us into this connectivity for their own purposes, and they intend to enforce control of it. But what if we can figure out a way to turn the tables on them and use this connectivity toward real world organizing?
There's been a lot written on that theme lately. I don't normally care for Gladwell, but his piece on the subject was pretty solid.
Online organizing can only be worthwhile if it leads to and then supplements real world action.
In a still-vague way I'm associating this with a thesis of Goodwyn's book on the Populist movement, that an alternate political party can arise only out of a vigorous socioeconomic movement, and this movement in turn must be grounded in a specific action.
In both cases the link is that we must have the characteristic action which the politics arise from, or the Internet activism supplements....
Well, the ideas are still raw. I'm turning them over like half-baked compost.
Russ wrote:
"I gather from what I read that the number of people facing foreclosure who are demanding to see the note is snowballing. That's a good start."
I think "lawyers" have recognized a potential bonanza, and their avarice-some deadly sins can, at times, act as forces for good- has helped light the fuse for those in the foreclosure fiasco.
What I am taking away from the following comment,
"But for it to really work, every house debtor needs to fundamentally wonder if he's really just a squatter, an adverse possessor, who ought to just stop paying the bank but stay in the house."
which may not be what you intend, is that upon considering which group they are in, they act accordingly. Or more to the point, honorably. Is that correct?
I meant them as the same group, but I was just brainwashing terms.
"Squatting", meaning one is not "legally" on the land (in this case, because the law has abdicated). That was an unorthodox use of the term.
"Adverse possession", more like that one has lived openly, maintained the property, paid the property taxes, and in light of this evident abdication of legality by the banks, should feel free to consider the land theirs free and clear. That's closer to an orthodox meaning.
And then, I've long advocated organized squatting in the normal sense of the term, where it comes to foreclosed and vacant parcels the banks are just allowing to rot.
I want everyone to act honorably. That means rejecting the position of the banks as completely illegitimate, in every way. I discuss that at greater length in today's post.
There's nothing really new in it; it's all things I've said before. But this is my first stab at tying it all together in one package.
Ugh, that's, "brainstorming".
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