Friday, September 10, 2010

A Moment of Clarity?

As things continue to go all pear shaped here in the world's foremost crony capitalist kleptocracy masquerading as a democracy, we should probably expect more of just this sort of lunacy. How embarrassing (it ought to be) for this very breathless, and clearly overwrought, self styled, Republican loyalist to invoke Albert Einstein, only to immediately fail to remember the chosen pearl of wisdom at the moment of truth.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

I know, it doesn't really seem like an especially brain straining collection of words does it? But when one is as away with oneself as Mr. Davison clearly is, remembering such items can prove to be too much. And while I can readily agree with Mr. Davison's general position that we are, in fact, in the middle of difficulty, I will hazard a guess that were he to reveal precisely what he has in mind, I would share very little, if any, common ground with this berserk would be elected official's view on exactly what our problems consist of and how to best address them.

In the meantime, Ohio, you have my sympathies.


Debra said...

For ONCE that I clicked on a link, Edwardo, it did not follow through ?
Hmmm... censorship ??

Debra said...

Ahem... catch that title in your little window box.
I even.. HAD FUN writing this piece. Enjoy.

Edwardo said...

The link is working now.

Debra said...

Well, my friend... you and I are going to have a major difference of opinion, here..
Would you consider that maybe... Adolf sounded like this at certain points in his career ? (Perhaps, since Adolf MAY have been more intelligent than this man, it sounded... a little different, but then again, maybe not.)
It may seriously surprise you to hear, Edwardo THAT AS A SHRINK I do not think that THIS man is lunatic or insane on the basis of your video. (And Adolf too had a very... LIMITED scope on HIS lunacy too. He was NOT TOTALLY INSANE (it is rather inaccurate to talk about TOTAL insanity anyway, but Adolf definitely was even further from total insanity than some of the people hanging out on my loony forum. And besides... as I keep harping on.. insanity is VERY MUCH in the eyes of the beholder.)
This man is.. very much under the sway of his STRONG EMOTIONS. Irrational.
He is having trouble controlling them and himself.
He is... very very embittered and disillusioned about having... his beliefs shredded...
In that... he is not unlike about 75% of the country, Edwardo. At the very least.
THAT is why I wrote the piece on extremism over at Toby's place.
AND... THAT sure is one hell of an EARNEST YOUNG MAN in a pressed polyester suit. (Short hair to boot.)
Those of YOU who rather smugly think to themselves... "this could never happen to ME, my REASON will protect me from it" are... overly naïve in my book.
YOU haven't seen the innumerable plaques built to commemorate the Shoah victims from all walks of life, perhaps ?...
Perhaps.. among those people who fell into lock step behind Adolf, there were a certain number who had previously told themselves exactly... "this could never happen to me, my reason will protect me from it."
Remember... Stanley Milgram.

Edwardo said...

You are on another Adolph tear, Deb, but, alas, it is fueled by a convenient misreading of my post.

I didn't assert that the man in question was a lunatic, but I did refer to his behavior as lunacy, and his manner as overwrought and berserk, which, colloquially speaking, it was.

Debra said...

I am beholden to you for pointing out the subtle intricacies of the difference between lunatics and lunacy.. but I SEEM TO REMEMBER that the etymology of "berserkers" goes back to the killing machine men that mowed down anything and everything that stood in their way on our Nordic ancestors' battle fields...
They were PROBABLY not lunatics...
Something WORSE, even ?

Edwardo said...

So many different kinds of madness, so little time.

Debra said...

We don't disagree fundamentally anyway.
But... I feel kind of sorry for this overwrought, tongue tied, brain tied, earnest, less than young man in his pressed polyester suit WITH WHOM I SHARE A COMMON HUMANITY.
And... STILL uneasy.
(And... when you employ the words "lunacy" and "berserk", you conjure up certain ASSOCIATIONS in the mind of your reader.
Ask Madison Avenue. THEY know all about THAT.)