Thursday, August 19, 2010

(Cor) Exit Government

I know it's less than thrilling to have someone -like me- bang on and on about the same, tired, old issue, and, so, I apologize (but only a little) for once again bringing to your attention how unworthy your government is of your respect and support. More precisely, what your government is worthy of is to be tossed out and subsequently prosecuted for high crimes and misdemeanors.

As I'm sure you're aware, the NOAA recently asserted that most of the millions and millions of gallons of oil that gushed-for months on end- from a compromised BP well was gone. That's right, gone. I don't know about you, but when I hear the word gone used, I generally take that to mean that the thing referred to as gone is not all. I do not infer that gone means present in any way, i.e. concealed, hidden, masked, etc. etc. And, as I am the skeptical sort who doubts the veracity of official pronouncements regarding any matter that effects the public at large, it comes as no surprise to me that prior claims about The Gulf of Mexico being mostly, if not completely, oil free were just so much stinking, steaming ca ca.

Really, my friends, isn't it way past time to discard the quaint but absurd notion that traditional voting booth maneuvers have an oil covered pelican's chance at successfully overcoming the wickedness that besets us? Isn't the revelation by Wood's Hole personnel that a twenty two mile long plume of oil exists (and is loitering with intent) several thousand feet below the GOM's surface enough for you take proper stock of the situation?

Our President has gone along with this BP BS from start to finish. Appearances at acting tough on BP aside, The Commander-in-Chief, the same one who recently pretended to bob joyfully with his daughter in The Gulf's bathtub warm, oil infused waters, has been the best President the largest, multi-national major oil company could possibly buy. One wonders how much more oil resides several thousand feet below the surface? Probably only the controversial late whistle blower Matt Simmons would be prepared to conjecture, and that should bother the hell out of you.

Why I would even hazard to say that the fact that the only reliable information about the condition of The Gulf is available from the sort of (non vested) entities who weren't allowed anywhere near the BP gusher as it was going on should cause a similar sort of discomfort to the one I imagine occurs after ingesting oil befouled Gulf Shrimp. But that's just me.


DED said...

I know it's less than thrilling to have someone -like me- bang on and on about the same, tired, old issue,...

Somebody has too. ;)

However, Saint Andrews Bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico. Sheltered, yes. But there's still a direct connection to the Gulf. Do you or any of the bloggers in the Michele Malkin train know the flow rate between the Gulf and Andrews Bay? I certainly don't. But I certainly see an open channel connecting the two. Or would you have me believe that Rock Island Cove isn't part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Do I believe that it's a PR stunt? Yes. He's a politician. Would you expect anything less?

The oil has gone from visible to invisible to the naked eye. Most people don't fear something if they can't see it. That's why pollution (or elevated CO2 levels) is never a concern until people can see it with their own eyes. Obama's saying, "Look America, no oil slicks" and that part is true. But now it's more insidious. It'll be absorbed through gills, skin, scales, etc. and enter the food chain. Maybe we'll see a spike in cancer rates down the road but it'll get denied by BP lawyers defending themselves from a class action lawsuit decades down the road. Hell, even if Obama were to absorb some carcinogens from his swim, they'd blame any future tumors on his smoking.

We've poisoned the ocean and now we have to swim in it.

Edwardo said...

Well, whoever Michele Malkin is, if she and I happen to converge in our views regarding the nature of the President's swimming habits of late, so be it. I couldn't say what the flow rate is, but for my money, St. Andrews Bay appears reasonably if by no means completely protected from The Gulf Proper.

"He's a politician. Would you expect anything less?"

Well, as the MSM doesn't much control the flow of information anymore, the bar has been effectively raised such that I don't have to accept doctored, i.e. censored, information anymore. The fact that the POTUS would so readily insult my intelligence even though the information game has changed tells me he isn't fit for office. I expect a better, more competent class of criminal to run the country. I am only half joking.

Debra said...

Just got back from my little weekend getaway, enjoying EXCELLENT conversation with the oldies around me. It was seriously great. I do not regret my youth very often, honestly (except when the aches and pains start, and persist).
Keep on repeating. Who am I to throw a stone anyway ? As I said, previously, it is only by repeating that stuff sinks in. If you have kids, you MUST have noticed this. They get down on your case for "nagging" as they say, but as I used to tell my son... "if you would do what I POLITELY ASKED YOU TO DO in the first place then I wouldn't be obliged to repeat myself, right ??
ON TOPIC... I should say, everybody knows that... out of sight is out of mind.
Since Thomas insisted on sticking his hands into Jesus' wounds, the world has basically been made up of people for whom seeing is believing, and... not seeing is not believing...
There is something about the immediacy of our collective and individual reactions that is short circuiting LOGICAL and DEDUCTIVE thought, on a large scale basis.
Reaction to too much hype about rationality ?
By the way, I drank TOO MUCH of a lot of different, beautiful wines this weekend...
Carpe diem.

Debra said...

Bringing up our reflexion on "the people".
I have decided that it is ANOTHER expression that I shall ban from my vocabulary.
IN THE BACK OF EVERYBODY'S MIND it has negative connotations anyway.
It smacks of... fascism, that expression.
"The people" sounds like... "stuff".
One of those VERY SUSPICIOUS nouns that are plural while remaining singular.
That manages to LUMP TOGETHER a lot of diversity (and individuals) under one convenient syllable, thereby giving us an illusion of... tepid homogeneity.
I'm giving it up for Lent ahead of time.

Debra said...

Just read the web link on marine animal life trying to get out of the (polluted) water...
It makes me weep. I can manage to empathize with the fish...
Can YOU imagine what it would be like to be struggling in air with so little oxygen that YOU were suffocating in it ?
Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Debra said...

Ho hum, Edwardo, looking at all the stuff on market fraud that I can't comment on ( too lazy to register, and I would get dismissed as a nutto anyway) and that I can barely understand, I must say that I am probably the only one to make the comment that if we keep handcuffing MORE people and carting them off to jail, WHERE ARE WE GOING TO PUT THEM (one in ten Americans is behind bars these days, I think), AND HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR IT ??
Time to get the neurons working.
I wrote a piece on all those beautiful fishes on Toby's blog, in case you're interested.
To me.. THAT was the real news of the day...

Edwardo said...

Yes, the stuff happening to the fishies is very upsetting.

Debra said...

What did I say, Edwardo ?
All this righteous indignation about the corrupt financial industry.
Reminds me of a book I read a long time ago, but that I really liked : "Undisclosed Materials", an idealistic/realistic legal thriller that really got me thinking.
Idealistic young lawyer comes face to face with corrupt policeman who is planting evidence in order to obtain convictions. (By the way, when the POLICE are corrupt, your chances as John Q. Public of escaping intact from the legal tar pit are very very slim...)
Idealistic young lawyer gets recruited by shadowy government figure who knows that policeMEN are planting evidence in order to obtain convictions, and thinks that THIS PARTICULAR POLICEMAN has not been discreet enough about his illegal, corrupt activity.
Policeman becomes a liability to get rid of (ahem, and NOT an overall immoral public DISservant).
The government official makes the remark that the only activity "the people" are interested in is WANKING anyway...
Sometimes I agree with him...

Edwardo said...

I'm very aware that it is entirely likely that "the people" of whom we are associated, are, to put indelicately-as you did wankers. It's also, on a slightly different note, an open question for me whether Americans, in the aggregate, suffer more from ignorant or obtuse. Only one condition is cureable.

DED said...

Seriously? You don't know who Michelle Malkin is? Here's an introduction.

Edwardo said...

I doubt the little Republican pit bull knows who I am either.

Debra said...

I have just tossed off a jazzy little number on Toby's blog called "The Metaphysics of Cleaning".
Thought you would enjoy it.
By the way, Edwardo...
Would you do me the honor of becoming a REGULAR READER of what I write ? I value your opinion and your conversation.
You can consider that... a proposal.

Edwardo said...

I'm honored that you want me to be a REGULAR READER, as opposed to a regulated reader. Tomorrow I will look in and give you my 2 cents worth.